FULFIL YOUR DUTY OF CARE TO THE HIGHEST STANDARDS All organisations in the UK have a duty of care to manage their waste properly through UK, and EU, legislation and your internal environmental policies.
The Waste Hierarchy chart should be applied to your decision making (article 4 of the current EU Waste Framework Directive) in order to fulfil your duty of care (Environmental Protection Act 1990) when managing your waste.
We can help you to fulfil your obligations simply and easily, no matter what size or shape your organisation is by providing Waste Transfer Notes and a Zero Waste Certificate which is your proof that none of your printer cartridge waste went into incineration or landfill.
ZERO WASTE Other recycling services may dispose of your cartridges in landfill or incineration. Have you ever asked what they do with the ones they can’t reuse? Many services play on the word “recycling” without fully providing the service advertised.
This is where we are different. With our partnership at Zero Waste Recycling, you get exactly what you pay for – a comprehensive recycling service that adheres to the principles of the Waste Hierarchy. We understand your corporate responsibility and duty of care to the environment, and we will only recycle or reuse your waste cartridges – nothing gets disposed of into incineration or landfill.
ALL MATERIALS REUSED OR RECYCLED Printer cartridges that cannot be reused are safely broken down into their different material components and then manufactured into alternative products such as car parts, steel building structures, aluminium cans, marine paint, road surfacing, and colorant products.